Σάββατο 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2005


Τα παρακάτω ποιήματα είναι αρκετά απαισιόδοξα. Γραφτήκανε λίγο μετά την εφηβεία όταν νόμιζα ότι όλα μου πηγαίνανε στραβά και είχα πέσει σε μία ελαφριά κατάθλιψη. Ήταν μία εποχή που μόλις είχα τελειώσει το σχολείο, και μαζί του χαθήκανε και οι υποτιθέμενοι φίλοι από εκεί. Δεν ήξερα τι ήθελα, με λίγα λόγια, και γι αυτό κάποια συγκεκριμένα πράγματα πήγανε στραβά.


Look at the stars...
So beautiful, so far away.
You can look at them,
but you can't touch them...
They're like our dreams...

Light and Shadow

All there is: light and shadow
And there between them
there you stand
with your miserable life
trying to find something
And you run, your life is running.


Why have I to be alone
Why can't they understand
Why should I listen to them

I'm standing on my own
but I have to subscribe
I don't want to, but they say I have to

Why should I listen to them
Why should I do what they do
Why can't I live like I want

I'm always on my own
and music is loud
but they don't like it

Why do you want to hurt me
Why life is a nightmare
Why are you so cruel

Everyone stands on his own
Few can be friends
Few want to help


When I'm alone
I like to dream
Music is loud
Everyone dreams
And everyone says
"Don't dream,
Dreams are for children."
Are they really?


In the dark, a light
In the dark, a small light
Making me hope:
"No more eternal darkness"
Darkness surrounds me
and the light is the one that makes me go on
I try to reach it
I try to follow it
When I'm almost there,
When I'm near the light
It moves away
And my hopes vanish
In the eternal darkness...

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